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Yesterday we were guests at the event "Young people and the businesses of the future" organized by Il Capitale Intellectuale at the Laboratorio Aperto - Modena. A quite delicate topic was discussed: the relationship between young people and the world of work and an attempt was made to answer, thanks also to the involvement and speeches of numerous guests.

Big questions such as "Why 1,400,000 young people (25-34 years old) in Italy don't study or work?", "Is it true that generation Z has no enthusiasm for work?", "Does work make you free or is there freedom when work is combined with play?". 

Among the protagonists of the debate was also our CEO Adamo Venturelli, who presented Vis Hydraulics as a company of the future, introducing the innovative projects and programs that encourage the growth of enthusiasm, motivation and commitment within our organization.

A special meeting opportunity between young talents and innovative companies that offers opportunities to enhance everyone's ingenuity, both through collaboration proposals in stimulating and challenging environments and through the acceptance of new projects and new ideas in the fastest growing sectors in the next years.
