A message from @[adamo venturelli](urn:li:person:vOb0hNLnS3) and @[pamela mucciarini](urn:li:person:W5nUyscFI0) to all the associates.
Good morning to all of you, wonderful co-creators of the @[VIS Hydraulics](urn:li:organization:15156797) project.
It was on an afternoon of 15 years ago when, in an office in Pavullo, in the presence of my mentor, my father Giovanni, we wrote the first page of our history establishing a new business venture: @[VIS Hydraulics](urn:li:organization:15156797)
From there in a few days a handful of young technicians and engineers would begin to lay the foundations on which to build OUR company.
We were excited, determined, and united.
It was 2009, the same 2009 that would have been remembered for the world economy crisis.
The world around us was collapsing but no one ever, not even for a moment, contemplated the hypothesis that we would not make it through.
Call it madness, call it luck, call it innovation...
Today, however,you can call it VIS Hydraulics.
Today VIS is a company known and appreciated throughout the world for the quality and reliability of its products , for its customer service, for the degree of innovation that satisfies and often anticipates market needs and demands.
But first of all, VIS is a family with over 500 people who represent the most important part of its heritage.
Every day we strive to safeguard and enhance this heritage, offering a comfortable and safe workplace, investing in training, offering a welfare program consistent with our purpose which is the cornerstone of those foundations.
Thanks to all of you who believed in this project, who understood, shared and embraced it. With your commitment, with your talent, with your empathy you have allowed a startup to become a reality known and recognized worldwide and above all a company capable of having a positive impact on the lives of all of us.
Take your fair share of credit for all of this.
On the occasion of our 15th birthday we decided to confirm our commitment to our community:
A few days ago VIS officially became a Benefit Corporation
Benefit corporations are companies that, in addition to the purpose of making profits, pursue and declare one or more purposes of common interests.
We are these kind of people, and 15 years later we still want to continue doing the right thing every day.
Happy Birthday VIS.
#strongertogether #website
Adamo Venturelli and Pamela Mucciarini
\(Adamo signing the certificate of incorporation as Benefit Corporation\)