Yesterday we were invited to the Fili d'Argento Residence House to attend the presentation ceremony of the applied works thanks to donations and support received from Vis, Mecof and Pink, Pavullo Municipality and other local associations.
In fact, in 2021, our company's colleague @[Massimo Bonacci](urn:li:person:6GaW791uC6) proposed the initiative to donate a part of the earnings of Vis Store and of the company production prizes to support structures for the elderly who, during the pandemic, had to go through moments of extreme loneliness.
☀️Thanks to our help, the Fili d'Argento Staff created a centralized electrical system of rolling shutters that limits the entry of heat into the structure, especially during the summer months.
🌱Furthermore, they created beautiful vertical gardens that are cared for by all the elderly people who live in the House.
🫂A small act in our Community to support and give a smile to one of the age ranges most affected by the pandemic.
🙏Thank you all for participating!
#community #people #thankyou #csr