Linkedin post
April 27th was a special and emotional day for us. Thanks to @[Confindustria Emilia Area Centro](urn:li:organization:21583399) we were able to host more than 50 entrepreneurs and share our reality, our territory and our values ​​with them. We also thank the Mayor of Pavullo Davide Venturelli and the Prefect of Modena Alessandra Camporota for visiting us. Stronger together! #teamvis #strongertogether #ConfindustriaEmilia #website @[adamo venturelli](urn:li:person:vOb0hNLnS3) @[Piermatteo Covili](urn:li:person:tsc1LGmqsq) @[Fabio Muratori](urn:li:person:voQ62v6gnm) @[Fabio Catani](urn:li:person:gJMZD0gIEO) @[Paolo Coletta](urn:li:person:8OhN6Jd-ML) @[Lorenzo Busciglio](urn:li:person:IdqkmAC-EH). @[Gian Marco Marra](urn:li:person:XCnIJ7q3Cs)