Last Thursday we had the pleasure to host the representatives of the projects we selected to allocate the 44,000 € we raised from the 20% of the VIS STORE revenue, together with other donations from the company.
First and foremost, our dear friend Chicco, to whom all the VIS, MECOF and PINK collaborators wanted to offer support to help him regain some of the serenity that had unfortunately been lacking in the last period.
Another important contribution was donated to the “Leonardo Da Vinci” primary school in “Sant'Antonio” and the “Raimondo Montecuccoli” middle school in Pavullo for the creation of two music classrooms where the scolars will be able to experiment their artistic, musical and singing skills and use sound to implement new ways of learning.
For these two initiatives, some of our collaborators, experts and enthusiasts in the music sector, have been involved to follow the projects.
So we would like to thank @[Luca Degli Esposti](urn:li:person:MgC5ijkDmf), @[Diego Guidi](urn:li:person:L8YNCJP1Ad), @[Francesco Dignatici](urn:li:person:XqZJMulHT8), and @[Daniel Grandi](urn:li:person:vbO7q_S5_7) for the musical part, and @[Daria Boselli](urn:li:person:JFY8oACY_Z) and @[Carlotta Venturelli](urn:li:person:vOofSudrSn) for the visual part.
We also donated an important contribution to ASEOP to support the association for the construction of the new “Casa di Fausta”, which will offer welcome and support to children and young adults hospitalised in the Oncohaematology ward, as well as support and comfort to their families.
This social responsibility initiative conceived and supported by the employees of Vis, Mecof and Pink has been going on for five years now and we are very proud of it.
Every year we manage, in our own small way, to support the community and help those in need.
Our lending a hand does not only mean donating financially, but also listening to the story of these people, getting to know their realities and understanding their reasons for coming to us.
In addition, lending a hand also means donating our time and our work because we want to follow the various projects from the start to the end, to ensure that the result is shared.
Thanks to Adamo and Pamela and thanks to all of us who take on a truly great social purpose.
Together we can do so much and this day is proof of that.
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