The VISiON project has started. It will lead to the installation of Portant 4.0 by @[Digimark](urn:li:organization:10525505), a tool that is going to help us approach project management with APQP methodology.
This huge piece will help us manage the life of the product starting from its birth, the design phase known to us as the M0 phase.
The workflow will automate some mechanisms and have a precise vision \(hence the name VISiON\) for each project and will also help us with document management.
This will be a double advantage as it will strengthen our relationship with customers, who will be provided - once the project has started - with the situation regarding their requests in less time.
@[Freddy José Mendez](urn:li:person:gf_VU5qcY6) @[Giacomo Simonetti](urn:li:person:fn7eouc57F) @[Simone Neri](urn:li:person:z5rdk0XtFp) @[Ludovico Ciarloni](urn:li:person:SALj_4c6Da)